spinning mario star spinning mario star

THE site!!

The current state of my writing

I won't be sharing all of my writing here!>p>

This is more of a space for me to work on and share a novel I'm working on!

Nonetheless I hope you'll stick around to read!

Chapter 1

Evie took upmost pride in most things in her life, but she couldn't say her job was one of them. Okay sure, being a villain's sidekick had a few pros, but being tied up to the sidekick of the hero you had sworn to help defeat in some supervillain wannabe's hideout wasn't one of them. It wasn't all bad though. Soon, she figured, Orion would arrive to rescue her and they'd be back to fighting agaisnt all that was good in the world. The thought alone made her smile which Lottie, the hero's sidekick who up until this point had been shockingly silent, seemed to notice. "I don't think I've ever seen you smile. What's got you so cheerful?" Lottie asked, sounding a bit too upbeat in regard of their current situation.

Her expression immediately soured once more, "I'm smiling because I know that whatever awful thing happens to me here, at least you'll be sharing the same fate." Lottie gave her a calm smile, not catching, or not caring about, the insult. "Nothing awfuls going to happen," she said reassuringly. "Arthur will be here soon enough to get us both out." Evie gave her a scornful expression, "You say that like I'd need his help!" Lottie shrugged the best she could in response, her long curly hair rolling off where it had been resting on her shoulders. Then they went back to silence.
